Coronavirus Pandemic Alert (As of 31 March (Wed), 00:00am)

【Preventing the Spread of Infection in the Airport】
・Airport staff are being encouraged to wear face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
・The disinfection and cleaning of doorknobs and handrails in the passenger terminals (including on moving walkways and escalators) has been stepped up.
・Please keep sufficient space in front and behind when queuing at airline counters and passenger screening checkpoints.
・When at the airport, please wear a face mask even if you have no cold or flu symptoms, and practice normal etiquette if you cough or sneeze.
・Please wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of infection. Disinfectant dispensers have been placed throughout the passenger terminals for your use.

【New Measures for Strengthening Border】
* Due to the spread of variant virus infection, the Government of Japan has taken new measures such as immigration restrictions as follows.For details, please refer to"Strengthening border measures related to the new virus variants" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website) .
For the time being, the following measures have been taken for those entering Japan.
1. Temporary suspension of Business Track and Residence Track
2. Suspension of new entry from all countries/regions
3. Suspension of special measures when returning or re-entering Japan from a short-term business trip to all countries/regions

In addition, those entering Japan, regardless of their nationality, are required to meet these conditions.
1. Presentation of inspection certificate
2. Submission of a written pledge
3. Carrying a smartphone and installing necessary applications*
4. Submission of Questionnaire

•Please check the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website below for the required application. Make sure to complete the installation before entering Japan.
"To Everyone Entering Japan (Installing apps required for preventing the spread of COVID-19)" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website)
•Please check the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website below for how to use the required application.
"To Everyone Entering Japan (Regarding the use of apps following your arrival)" (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website)

【Request from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism】
① Passengers with a fever or other symptoms are asked to refrain from boarding.
② Hand washing and sanitizing as well as basic coughing and sneezing etiquette are fundamental to preventing infection. We ask that everyone observe these practices in the airport, on board aircraft and when using public transport, and also wear a face mask and refrain from conversation.
③ Also, in order to reduce the incidence of contact, we urge that remote working and staggered commuting hours be introduced across the board for those who travel to work by public transport.

【Notice from Immigration Services Agency of Japan】
Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, foreign nationals who have been in the following countries or regions within 14 days prior to their arrival in Japan are no longer allowed to enter Japan unless there are special circumstances. (As of 28 December (Mon), 00:00am)

Country name
Iceland, Ireland, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Argentina, Albania, Armenia, Antigua & Barbuda, Andorra, Israel, Italy, Iraq, Iran, India, Indonesia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, United Kingdom, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Austria, Oman, Netherlands, Guyana, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Canada, Ghana, Cabo Verde, Gabon, Cameroon, Gambia, North Macedonia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Cyprus, Cuba, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Guatemala , Cuba, Granada, Croatia, Kenya, Costa Rica, Kosovo, Comoros, Colombia, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Saudi Arabia, São Tomé and Príncipe, Zambia, San Marino, Sierra Leone, Djibouti, Jamaica, Georgia, Zimbabwe, Switzerland, Sweden, Sudan, Spain, Suriname, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Serbia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Somalia, Tajikistan, Czech Republic, Central African Republic, Tunisia, Chile, Denmark, Germany, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Nigeria, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nepal, Norway, Haiti, Pakistan, The Vatican, Panama, Bahamas, Paraguay, Palestine, Bahrain, Barbados, Hungary, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Finland, Brazil, France, Bulgaria, Bhutan, United States, Venezuela, Belarus, Belize, Belgium, Peru, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Poland, Bolivia, Portugal, Honduras, Madagascar, Malawi, Malta, Malaysia, South Africa, South Sudan, Myanmar, Mexico, Monaco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Maldives , Moldova, Morocco, Montenegro, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Libya, Lichtenstein, Liberia, Luxembourg, Rwanda, Romania, Lesotho, Lebanon, Russia

【For those returning to / entering Japan】
The following actions must be taken before and after returning or entering Japan from overseas.
•Put yourself into quarantine until the 14th day with the entry date as day 0 at the place designated by the quarantine office director (your house, etc.), including those who are in good health,and do not use public transportation (aircraft, buses, trains, taxis, etc.) including transportation from airports, etc.
•For these reason, before you enter Japan, secure a place of stay for the period and a means of transportation (other than public transportation) from the airport to your place of stay in advance
•The place of stay and means of transport from the airport to the your place of stay must be registered with the quarantine office at the time of entry
•In addition, the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has set up a call center called "Japan Visitor Hotline" that provides multilingual support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure the safety and security of foreign travelers in an emergency. We also respond to inquiries related to the new coronavirus.
 【Telephone】050-3816-2787(from overseas:+81-50-3816-2787)
 【Hours】available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
 【Available languages】English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese
 「Japan Visitor Hotline」(Japan National Tourism Organization Website)
「Japan Visitor Hotline」(PDF:565kB)

Q&A on the Fundamental Strengthening of Border Measures (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Website)

【For those departures from Japan】
Many countries have established entry restrictions to Japan and travelers from Japan. When considering travel to these countries, be sure to check the latest information, such as the websites of the authorities of each country, and the embassy in Tokyo.

【About accurate and promt information】
Further information is available at the following websites.

Information is also available on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website in Japanese (Concerning Novel Coronavirus)
Information is also available on the Cabinet Secretariat's Office website in Japanese (About correspondence of Coronavirus Pandemic)
Information is also available on the Prime Minister's Office website in Japanese (Headquarters on Combating Coronavirus Pandemic)
Information is also available on the Prime Minister's Office website in Japanese (Preventing COVID-19 -Understand the Measures You Can Take-)